31 October 2023

Evening Prayer for Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Please click on the photo to join our prayer

If you would like to donate towards St. Luke's, 
please click here. (Tax receipts for these donations will be handled immediately through CanadaHelps.) 

Musical Copywrite – hymns and musical pieces used under permission by One License #A710867

Photo Credit: Fr. Lawrence Lew on Flickr.com

NEW: If you have prayer requests (for a person or a situation) we can pray verbally during our Evening Prayers on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We'll pray for two weeks unless you make a new request. (Please note, if you are requesting that we pray for a person by name, please ensure that you have their permission)

To request prayer, please click on this link.    

26 October 2023

Evening Prayer for Thursday, 26 October 2023

Please click on the photo to join our prayer

If you would like to donate towards St. Luke's, 
please click here. (Tax receipts for these donations will be handled immediately through CanadaHelps.) 

Musical Copywrite – hymns and musical pieces used under permission by One License #A710867

Photo Credit: Fr. Lawrence Lew on Flickr.com

NEW: If you have prayer requests (for a person or a situation) we can pray verbally during our Evening Prayers on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We'll pray for two weeks unless you make a new request. (Please note, if you are requesting that we pray for a person by name, please ensure that you have their permission)

To request prayer, please click on this link.   

24 October 2023

Evening Prayer for Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Please click on the picture to join our prayer

If you would like to donate towards St. Luke's, 
please click here. (Tax receipts for these donations will be handled immediately through CanadaHelps.) 

Musical Copywrite – hymns and musical pieces used under permission by One License #A710867

Photo Credit: Fr. Lawrence Lew on Flickr.com

NEW: If you have prayer requests (for a person or a situation) we can pray verbally during our Evening Prayers on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We'll pray for two weeks unless you make a new request. (Please note, if you are requesting that we pray for a person by name, please ensure that you have their permission)

To request prayer, please click on this link.  

19 October 2023

Evening Prayer for Thursday 19 October 2023

Please click on the photo to join our prayer

If you would like to donate towards St. Luke's, 
please click here. (Tax receipts for these donations will be handled immediately through CanadaHelps.) 

Musical Copywrite – hymns and musical pieces used under permission by One License #A710867

Photo Credit: Fr. Lawrence Lew on Flickr.com

NEW: If you have prayer requests (for a person or a situation) we can pray verbally during our Evening Prayers on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We'll pray for two weeks unless you make a new request. (Please note, if you are requesting that we pray for a person by name, please ensure that you have their permission)

To request prayer, please click on this link.  

17 October 2023

Evening Prayer for Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Please click on the photo to join our prayer

If you would like to donate towards St. Luke's, please click here. (Tax receipts for these donations will be handled immediately through CanadaHelps.) 

Musical Copywrite – hymns and musical pieces used under permission by One License #A710867

Photo Credit: Fr. Lawrence Lew on Flickr.com

NEW: If you have prayer requests (for a person or a situation) we can pray verbally during our Evening Prayers on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We'll pray for two weeks unless you make a new request. (Please note, if you are requesting that we pray for a person by name, please ensure that you have their permission)

To request prayer, please click on this link. 

13 October 2023

Taize service - Online - October 2023

Click on the photo below to access the service video.

If you would like to donate to St. Luke's, please click here

(Tax receipts for these donations will be handled immediately through CanadaHelps.) 

Musical Copywrite – hymns and musical pieces used under permission by One License #A710867


12 October 2023

Evening Prayer for Thursday, 12 October 2024

Apologies - but I had to have a root canal (everyone's favourite thing!) today and returned to the office with very slurred speech and unable to open my mouth enough to sing. Please pray for me - I'm sure I will be fine tomorrow - and perhaps scroll back to a previous Evening Prayer that you haven't yet attended, or to one of your favourite Evening Prayers. Don't forget that tomorrow evening is our Taizé Night Prayer online.

10 October 2023

Evening Prayer for Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Please click on the photo to join our prayer

If you would like to donate towards St. Luke's, 
please click here. (Tax receipts for these donations will be handled immediately through CanadaHelps.) 

Musical Copywrite – hymns and musical pieces used under permission by One License #A710867

Photo Credit: Ted on Flickr.com

NEW: If you have prayer requests (for a person or a situation) we can pray verbally during our Evening Prayers on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We'll pray for two weeks unless you make a new request. (Please note, if you are requesting that we pray for a person by name, please ensure that you have their permission)

To request prayer, please click on this link. 

05 October 2023

Evening Prayer for Thursday, 5 Oct 2023

Please click on the photo to join our prayer

If you would like to donate towards St. Luke's, please click here. (Tax receipts for these donations will be handled immediately through CanadaHelps.) 

Musical Copywrite – hymns and musical pieces used under permission by One License #A710867

Photo Credit: Stuart Pike on Flickr.com

NEW: If you have prayer requests (for a person or a situation) we can pray verbally during our Evening Prayers on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We'll pray for two weeks unless you make a new request. (Please note, if you are requesting that we pray for a person by name, please ensure that you have their permission)

To request prayer, please click on this link.

03 October 2023

Evening Prayer for Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Please click on the photo to join our prayer

If you would like to donate towards St. Luke's, 
please click here. (Tax receipts for these donations will be handled immediately through CanadaHelps.) 

Musical Copywrite – hymns and musical pieces used under permission by One License #A710867

Photo Credit: sedk7 on Flickr.com

NEW: If you have prayer requests (for a person or a situation) we can pray verbally during our Evening Prayers on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We'll pray for two weeks unless you make a new request. (Please note, if you are requesting that we pray for a person by name, please ensure that you have their permission)

To request prayer, please click on this link.